World Naked Bike Ride - Byron Bay 2025.
WNBR is on!
It’s time to put a stop to the indecent exposure of people and the planet to cars and the pollution they create.
MARCH 9th 2025
Meet at Butler Street Reserve at 1PM for a 3PM start.
World Naked Bike Ride took off in 2004. Whilst WNBR represents a number of worthy causes such as bike safety, body positivity and the environment, WNBR has its primary roots in raising awareness about cycling and bike safety to advocate for lessening our dependency on fossil fuels. As the event has grown and spread all across the world, people are banding together in a show of unity to also stand up for social nudity and body positivity. In essence, many are riding for a cause/s which they hold close to their heart.
This year, NRN will be riding to advocate for our latest 'Give Back Byron's Nude Beach' campaign.
So, come and join us!