Benefits of Naturism.

Whilst naturism is fun and liberating, it also comes with a host of benefits. So we are going to list just some of them here (and these are just the tip of the iceberg).

If you’re just beginning your naturist journey, you can always ease in within the privacy of your own home or, if you’re feeling a little more courageous, head to your local nude beach or join your nearest club.

  • Improves body image and self-esteem.

    A lot of the time, a lot of the nudity we see is on tv or through a screen. As diverse as we are, a lot of us did not grow up feeling as though our body type, size, colour or ability was represented on the screen. So, many of us have an endless amount of questions about whether this part of us is ‘normal’ and whether that part is ‘strange’ etc. For those of us who have had the privilege to step into the naturist lifestyle…SOOOO many of these questions are answered…and we realise that none of it was ever ‘weird’ or ‘strange’. We’re all uniquely individual and you’re not the only one with a ‘lopsided’ boob or a ‘curved’ penis or an ‘outty’ vagina. Nope, not everyone else has ‘television or porn-standard’ penises and vaginas!  Being surrounded by every body type, size, colour and ability you can imagine reflects back that kind of representation we wished we would have seen on our screens growing up…and it’s so healing for one’s body image and empowering for their self-esteem.

  • Inspires a more body-positive culture.

    Social nudity helps to improve our sense of body image as we are exposed to real bodies of all different shapes, sizes, colour, ages and abilities. We are given a reality check…not some billboard version of the human body. Practicing more nudity (private and social) gifts you the opportunity to experience your body, see and feel yourself without all the layers that hide every bump, lump, roll or wrinkle. It allows you to gain a deeper sense of awareness around your individual body and, thus, allows you to learn to better appreciate your unique body. In turn, this encourages the cultivation of gratitude for all the beautiful ways in which your, unique, beautiful, miraculous body works. In also surrounding ourselves with people who value body-positivity and celebrate the diversity of the human body, we are naturally more inclined and inspired to foster more self-acceptance and, ultimately, we begin to improve our own body image.

  • Helps to heal body shame.

    Oftentimes, the only time we experience our own nudity is in the bedroom or in the shower. Other than that, most of us have probably been conditioned cover up for almost every hour of the day! Probably even wrapping a towel around us as we move from the shower to the next room…in the privacy of our own home! We know you know what we’re talking about…and isn’t it crazy?! The kind of shame we develop around our naked body is often deeply rooted in conditioning that starts in the home when we’re young. Naturism can most definitely help to heal some of this shame we may carry into adulthood. The experience of not having to cover up once you get out of the shower or the pool, not having to feel embarrassed if others see you naked is a very healing and transformative one. The realisation that nudity is not inappropriate, profane or vulgar empowers us to further develop a deeper sense of self awareness that can help us to release self-limiting beliefs that have been bred out of shame.

  • Desexualises the human body by normalising non-sexual social nudity.

    Oftentimes, the only time we’re seeing nudity is in the bedroom, in porn or on television…most, or all, of which are within a sexual context. Hence the current climate of the hyper-sexualisation of the human body. The naturist lifestyle helps people to more tangibly grasp the concept of non-sexual nudity by giving them the opportunity to experience social nudity in an environment that is not sexually-charged; where the nudity involved is not sexually-motivated; thus helping to desexualise the human body by normalising exposure to non-sexual social nudity.

  • More deeply connected to nature.

    For those of you who have skinny dipped, you know the invigorating feeling we’re talking about, right? Being immersed in a body of water and feeling it all over your body without the barrier of swimmers…there’s nothing quite like it, is there? The same goes for feeling the warm breeze caress your bare skin and the sun warming every inch of your body as you stroll down the beach. There is something very ancient and natural in the feeling of being at one with nature, in our most natural state. A connectedness that transcends what would be with the layers.

  • Create community and make new friends.

    The naturist community is the friendliest kind of community! Because many have long since dropped their hang-ups and insecurities since getting involved in naturism, there is the very welcome absence of judgement. There are no layers to symbolise status or profession…with the layers gone, everyone is equal and many newbies find themselves much more comfortable than in most clothed settings. This sense of equality and camaraderie bonds a very close-knit community and those who are new are embraced and find themselves with more open-minded, life-long friends.

  • Bare skin dries much quicker than swimmers.

    No need for the awkward and impractical ‘towel dance’ when getting dressed. And no wet swimmers to squelch around in, carry or travel in!

  • Less laundry.

    Yep, you’ll basically just have that towel to wash (that you would have to bring to a ‘normal’ beach anyway). Easy!

  • The feeling of absolute freedom.

    This is really something that can only be described through experiencing it, not through words…so this is your cue!